Thursday, September 27, 2007

Full Moon: More Moon Flowers?

The Full Moon was absolutely gorgeous tonight!

There's nothing quite like staring at the full moon on a still, quiet, and crystal clear night. The photo was taken around 11:30pm and the moon was high in the sky. Simply mesmerizing.

I hope the moon flower seeds think so this time too as even if they are picky, they had absolutely no reason to complain tonight.

If you weren't moon gazing tonight than shame on you! No excuses. A clear black sky. A huge luminous moon and not a star or a cloud in sight.

A beautiful night, no matter how you look at it.

If there is such a thing as a perfect night for planting moon flowers, tonight would certainly have been it. I was in such awe of the moon, that I even forgot to sing and chant. I planted seeds.

Then just stared in silence.

There are few nights that take my breath away. Tonight was one of them.

The weatherman said it was going to be in the low sixties tonight, and there was a rustling breeze and just a hint of a chill in the air.

You can certainly tell Fall is well on her way.

I wish there were more nights like this, especially since the addition of the full moon compounds Mother Nature's peaceful lullaby at least by a hundredfold. I will try to make a point to visit the evenings outside a bit more. I had forgotten how invigorating it is to just quietly "be" in the dark silence.

The Man in the Moon, me, and the Moon Flower seeds.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It Only Takes a Spark

It only takes a spark to get a fire going.

I see you little red dots on Clustr Map. Tiny little sparks. Even if I can't hear you, I still see you.

Don't forget...the full moon is tomorrow night too.

Jiffy pellet peat pots, jiffy pellet peat pots, jiffy pellet peas in a pot!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Blogger Play

As I watched a few of the constant stream of images that people are out there uploading, Blogger Play reminded me of playing Hide and Go Seek as a child.

"It" would count a bit too quickly, 1... 2... 3...

Ready or not, here I come!

Then I'd duck behind a tree and pray "It" couldn't see me before I had enough time to reach base safely.

Time after time. The game never got old.

Unfortunately, I could only ever run but so fast and I was lousy at hiding.

Only today, my computer runs slower than molasses, but nevertheless you cannot hide from me. You there. Hiding behind that no longer existent tree...

Tag! You're it!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Death of the Moon Flowers

After much denial, it is with sheer brute force that I have finally come to the conclusion that the moon flowers are dead. Here along Cemetery Road, I am admittedly finding it slightly ironic that the blog's official flowers are simply dead. I haven't written in awhile because I was off diligently keeping watch, watering them, cursing the moon and my silly moon chants, and an assortment of other denial-like activities that urged, "just give it one more day."

I can only procrastinate the inevitable though, for so long. Four to six weeks has dragged on in upward of eight to nine weeks so I believe it is a fairly safe bet that the moon flowers are not going to sprout. Unless, they are invisible and have wings.

Ghost Moon Flowers?

Boo! Boo hoo!!

Well, I am nevertheless determined to try again.

A quick check on the calendar says that the next full moon will be on September 26th. In the meantime, I will be preparing a second attempt to wake the dead!

You're welcome once again to come out and make some noise with me if you'd like to!

This time, in the spirit of Jiffy popcorn (the self contained popping pan of popcorn that can even be used outdoors) I am going to try using a package of Jiffy pellet peat pots.

Now, say that really fast five times....Jiffy pellet peat pots, Jiffy pellet peat pots, Jiffy pellet peat pots, Jiffy pellet peat pots, Jiffy pellet peat pots...

Yeah, I know, I laugh hysterically by the fourth and fifth time as it sort of runs together and I want to say pees in a pot!!! Or toilet seat pots!! Then I get this fantastic image in my mind of moon flowers, except the plants themselves are now flowering bare gigantic naked butts! A sort of full moon, moon flower!

Well, perhaps the moon flowers will prefer to propagate themselves in their own individual little pees in a pots.

I hope so. Sure would be nice to see some actual moon flowers around here.

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